Who We Are

JP Trustees Limited

JP Trustees is an Oil Marketing Company (OMC) licensed by the National Petroleum Authority (NPA) to supply petroleum products to the general public, with the objective to meet customers’ demand, leveraging on our strategic relationship with our sister company, Juwel Energy, the second largest Bulk Oil Distribution Company (BDC), in Ghana.

JP Trustees procures and sells petroleum products to consumers and the general public through petroleum product retail stations and reselling outlets. Our fuel is specially infused with GAT 3000 additives that optimizes your fuel consumption and minimizes your vehicle repair cost.

We are an ambitious company. If we believe in an opportunity, we do all we can to seize it. It is this mindset that has led us to the ‘JP Fuel Delivery module that delivers our specially formulated GAT3000 fuel to your doorstep on request for your machinery. Every day we strive to forge strategic partnerships and challenge the status quo, so as to add value to all stakeholders throughout our value chain, via our service offerings, in a bid to improve the quality of life of our customers.

Earn More, Burn Less : JP brings you with highest quality fuels at the best prices

Our Mission

We shall commit ourselves wholly to the following:
•   Acquisition of retail assets within the Downstream sector.
•   Superior asset management that delivers continual value for stakeholders.
•   Systems innovation and continual improvement of operational thinking in the area of retail.
•   Surpassing customer expectations via service excellence.
•   Developing the best people – great attitudes, great service.
•   Environmental friendliness and compliance with safety & regulatory standards.

Our Vision

Always delivering the most innovate and modern energy and power options to consumers.